Futurama: 12 Plot-Holes That Almost Ruin The Show
4. Where Did The Popplers Cash Go?
Moving on from more complex, science fiction questions to something far more rational. In the episode The Problem With Popplers, we see Fry, Bender and Leela discover an unknown delicious food: Popplers.
These turn out to actually be baby Omicronians, eating them raises ethical questions and almost starts a war and yadda yadda yadda. The rights and wrongs of Popplers isn’t where the plot home lies, but in the financials.
Bender and Fry initially sell them for a dollar a dozen, before Fishy Joe’s Joseph Gilman goes into business with them, selling the Popplers at two dollars a dozen. In this deal, Fry & Bender (presumably Leela and the rest of Planet Express once they start harvesting in commercial quantities) get paid their regular dollar a dozen.
Prior to the Omicronion involvement, these are a huge success. They’re basically the Big Mac meets the Whopper with the Colonel’s secret recipe. They sell in astronomical figures, which surely would mean massive profit for Planet Express. Where exactly did that money go?
It might be that the Professor simply wasted it, or with his senility just never signed a contract. Most likely though is that it’s just a cartoon and not worth thinking about.