Futurama: 50 Best Ever Episodes

38. A Fishful Of Dollars

At the heart of it all, Futurama is about friendships and human feelings, and "A Fishful of Dollars" is one of the most key episodes there is in that regard. Fry's sudden four-billion dollar windfall allows us to see that money wouldn't change him; he's still just a geek who would buy silly stuff, another encouraging quality that makes the character work so well. Fry goes from a billionaire to flat broke within the span of 22 minutes, but he discovers that the happiness of his friends was ultimately more important. In the end, "A Fishful of Dollars" shows that you don't need money to live a fulfilling life, just good friends and some anchovies.

37. The Problem With Popplers

"The Problem With Popplers" is a laugh a minute, some absolutely spectacular writing with a sharp wit and a welcome appearance from the massively underutilized Omicronians. Humanity's fowl-up in eating the Omicronian young, known as Popplers, results in the aliens wanting to eat Leela in exchange for her being the first to devour their babies. The absurdity of the whole ordeal just makes for a brilliant 22 minutes of television, where there isn't as much of a human interest tale involved. Instead, it's just straight-up humor that sees some of the finest Zapp Brannigan moments in the entire series history. And any episode that sees Lrrr eat an aggravating hippie, only to get a contact high, is worth it, right?
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.