Futurama: 50 Best Ever Episodes

36. The Cyber House Rules

The best part about this episode is that it has two plots going at the same time, and both of them are equally fun to watch. Leela's desire to be a normal woman with a mundane life is granted, but at the cost of her self-respect. It's touching to see Leela go from cursing her single eye to demanding it be returned, a cautionary tale of beauty being only skin deep. It's a wonderfully positive message about loving yourself for who you are, and yet it never once becomes preachy, which is always appreciated. Meanwhile, Bender's homemade orphanage subplot is able to create some of the greatest moments ever for the character. What begins as an evil deed to pose as an orphanage and horde money from government stipends becomes a lesson in fatherhood for Bender; a robot we know as loving booze and women, moved by the love of his children.

35. Spanish Fry

The traditional camping episode of TV lore comes to Futurama with "Spanish Fry", a hilarious episode thanks to the silliness that unfolds between Fry and the Omicronians. Fry's hunt for the legendary mythical creature called Bigfoot is interrupted when he is abducted by an Omicronian ship, but they didn't want to probe him; they wanted his nose for an aphrodisiac. The interactions between the group on the camp grounds are a strong point in the episode, as watching Bender gleefully trick Fry so he could steal his tent is classic stuff. The quest to find Fry's missing nose is a fun one, and the variety of different types of comedy creates a really good pace for the episode.
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.