Futurama: Every Planet Express Crew Member Ranked

15. That Guy

Futurama Characters

That Guy, sometimes known as the Boneitis Guy or the ‘80s Guy, is the slick, smooth talking, heartless stockbroker who assumes control of Planet Express, then guts the company and sells it off to Mom.

Of course, his debilitating boneitis stops him and tanks the stock prices, meaning Fry can cancel the sale and keep everyone working together.

Although That Guy isn’t as extreme as say, Roberto, he’s one of those Futurama characters who has everything dialled up to eleven. He constantly talks in cliches and stereotypes, his lines are shouted and every decision is deliberate, calculated and devastating.

The problem is that, despite all this, he feels a bit flat. There are no asides with him, no jokes or set ups or any real back and forth. He dominates conversation, but without the hilarious arrogance of someone like Zapp Brannigan or Bender. He’s essentially just there to drive the plot forward, and is killed off conveniently (if very memorably) at the end.

Future Stock rips apart a lot of Futurama’s classic dynamics and relationships anyway, so is only moderately popular. Add in That Guy largely being a foil for other laughs, and he starts to sink quickly.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)