Futurama: Every Time Travel Story Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Meanwhile

Futurama Meanwhile
Comedy Central

Futurama has set itself apart from its competition on many occasions with its ability to not only make you laugh, but to also genuinely make you cry. Meanwhile is an episode that boasts both these sides of the show, and is certainly up there with the likes of Jurassic Bark and The Luck of the Fryrish in the conversation for best episode ever.

When the Professor invented a button that can go back in time 10 seconds, he mainly used it to rob Zoidberg, but Fry found himself ultimately trapped in a 10-second loop in which he was continually falling from the very top of the Vampire State Building.

A quick sci-fi explanation later, Fry essentially broke time, leaving him and Leela as the only beings on the planet not frozen. They lived an entire lifetime with each other and absolutely no one else, in blissful solitude in what was a simply perfect ending to their story.

However, Futurama is also wonderfully clever, and the Professor returned to give them a chance to go back and live their lives all over again from the moment time froze. There have been four series finales across Futurama's run, but this was arguably the strongest one. Hopefully, it won't be ruined too much by the series continuing in 2023.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.