Game Of Thrones: 10 Alternative Actors Who Should Have Been Cast

Tywin Lannister - James Cromwell vs. Charles Dance

tumblr_mdjxe4agY31qmzfpgo1_500Where have I seen him?: Babe, LA Confidential The seemingly immortal Charles Dance must a have a Dorain Gray picture hanging around somewhere, the man is a medical marvel and perfectly cast as patriarch of the disfunctional Lannister brood. However could someone else take on the role as Hand of the King? For many James Cromwell will be the happy smiling farmer from 1995's 'Babe', but in more recent years he has shown quite the opposite. In February the 73 year old was arrested for interrupting a meeting at The University of Wisconsin, Cromwell was there to protest the school's use of experimentation on cats. He has a list of film credentials as long as your arm, including being nominated for an Oscar. The role of Tywin has to be filled by a big name, you just can't see it any other way. For anyone still doubting Cromwell, he played twisted Nazi Dr. Arthur Arden on FX's anthology series 'American Horror Story'. Watch it and any memories of sweet farmer Hoggett will be completely erased from your memory, a great Tywin Lannister. tywin-lannister-1024

Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap