Game Of Thrones: 10 Alternative Actors Who Should Have Been Cast

Catelyn Stark - Frances Barber vs. Michelle Fairley

fbdd106bfbade8e5487f1fbdf1a9a22dc819967cWhere have I seen her?: Royal Shakespeare Company, Doctor Who With her husband biting the dust way back in Season 1 it has been up to Lady Catelyn Stark to take charge of the Stark clan and lets be honest, she hasn't done a very good job. With her children scattered all over The Seven Kingdoms Lady Stark swore revenge against those who had wronged her family and in particular those pesky Lannisters. Michelle Fairly came from a supporting role to really stealing the limelight in Season 3 and it looks like it may just pay off. Fairly is set to storm the Emmys and win outstanding supporting actress. When re-watching Episode 9- 'The Rains of Castemere' you can clearly see why. But could anyone else play mother Stark? Shakespearean trained actress Frances Barber has that right mix of matriarchal love and stone faced venom, with a dash of a Wolverhampton accent. It also helps when you have dated Danny Boyle and one of your best friends is Ian McKellen. She is barely off the billboards at The Old Vic, Drury Lane and The Globe, so her deep and powerful voice is one that could give Hodor a run for his money. Catelyn-Stark-catelyn-tully-stark-25370822-1280-720

Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap