Game Of Thrones: 10 Best Episodes (According To IMDb)

6. The Door - 9.7

The Red Wedding Game Of Thrones

Death scenes like Joffrey's or Oberyn Martell's are tough to watch because they are so gruesome and violent. The countless deaths in Game of Thrones led to the spilling of immeasurable blood, but one of the hardest death scenes to swallow was that of Hodor.

In season six, after Bran brought a hoard of ice zombies on top of their little fellowship, he warged into Hodor to escape, while simultaneously standing in Winterfell in the past with young Hodor, then known as Walder. The loveable giant is forced to sacrifice himself to the creatures beyond the Wall in order to give Bran and Meera a fighting chance of escape.

What is perhaps more heartbreaking is the reveal that Bran's presence in both the past and Hodor's mind is what caused the stable boy to become what we know and love him as. All this came just moments after Summer's death at the hands of the zombies, which is often downplayed next to the episodes titular scene.

This is one of the most emotional episodes throughout the show's eight season run, as even the innocents such as Hodor aren't spared from the horrors George R. R. Martin has created.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.