Game Of Thrones: 10 Best Episodes (According To IMDb)
3. Hardhome - 9.9
Remember when we thought the threat of the Night King and the white walkers would actually lead to something substantial?
After years of fighting against the wildlings and rising to become the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jon saw the threat of the ice zombies as great enough to form an alliance with their ancient enemies. With reports of wildlings flocking to Hardhome north of the Wall, Jon led an expedition to bring them to safety, before they could join the ever growing army of the dead.
Things didn't go to plan for the future King in the North however, who reached Hardhome too late to save anyone. Instead Jon, Tormund, and the wildlings found themselves in the biggest fight with the white walkers so far. There was something profoundly terrifying in watching the company from south of the Wall fight a force we knew very little about. Not to mention the iconic shot of the Night King raising the countless fallen men, women, and children, which was nothing short of chilling.
At the time of its release, 'Hardhome' was a game changer. However, now knowing how irrelevant the white walkers would become just three seasons later, it is hard to watch the episode back with the same excitement and awe.