Game Of Thrones: 10 Biggest Dick Moves

1. Best Day Of Your Life

The Red Wedding sparked reaction videos across the globe as partners and friends secretly filmed their nearest and dearest about to go through the most traumatic experience of their lives. As far as weddings go, this one was full of dick moves. Where do we start? Walder Frey€™s betrayal - after being betrayed himself - followed by the murder of Robb Stark's wife and unborn son, then Roose Bolton€™s plunging a dagger through Robb's heart, all before Catelyn gets her throat slit. These were the lowest and shadiest of treacheries alone, and fans had to sit there and slowly watch everything they held dear snatched away from them. Just when you thought it couldn€™t get much worse, they went and sewed Robb€™s wolf€™s head onto Robb€™s still-warm body. Not cool guys, not cool€

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.