Game Of Thrones: 10 Characters The Show Wants You To Forget About

1. The Sorcerer In A Box

Game Of Thrones Ghost

Back when Game Of Thrones was young and we didn’t know 8 seasons was all we would get, Varys introduced us all to a sorcerer inside a box that we assumed would play a big part in the intrigue to come. After all, magic was still an iffy subject in Westeros at that time, and the idea of a wizard coming into the mix sounded like one of the most badass things that Game Of Thrones could pull off (think again).

So surely this wizard, this man in a crate that Varys said castrated him when he was younger, would serve a bigger purpose than to simply illustrate the finer points of patience when it comes to revenge? Alas, it appears as if we were wrong.

As far as it seems now that we’re in Season 7, The Sorcerer In A Box is still in that box even though Varys left King’s Landing long ago. With no one to feed the sorcerer we have to wonder if he’s still alive, but we also have to wonder why he was introduced at all? Does he actually have magic powers?

Sure, Kinvara called him a second rate sorcerer, but with Melisandre predicting that Varys will die in Westeros, it would be great if the sorcerer could escape the box and become a late player in the game, gifting one side or another with some secretly badass powers. If not, it seems as if the whole sorcerer in a box ordeal for nothing.

Whatever the answers, we’re left waiting to find out. And with only a handful of episodes until Game Of Thrones concludes for good, we hope that the sorcerer and the rest of these characters will at least appear one final time to take their bows and most likely be killed off in a nude, bloody mess.

Which missing characters do you want to see return? Let us know down in the comments.


Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.