Game Of Thrones: 10 Characters The Show Wants You To Forget About

2. Ghost

Game Of Thrones Ghost

We all know that Jon Snow’s ever-loyal direwolf Ghost is still alive, but what we don’t know is just where the hell he went. Sure, Ghost was there for most of the hard times, but where was he when Jon needed him most? Like during the Battle of the Bastards, with an army staring Jon down and ready to close in? It doesn’t seem like Ghost to just ditch his master in his biggest time of need. Even more unsettling is the fact that now Jon is King in the North, Ghost is still an absentee direwolf, not even bothering to chill in front of the fireplace or snuggle up with Jon after a hard day of giving brooding looks.

One could forgive Ghost for his absense, partially, when considering that he couldn’t make it to the Battle of the Bastards because of budgetary reasons. Apparently, giant wolves are expensive to throw into battle, and so Benioff and Weiss had to choose between Ghost and Wun Wun when it came to the battle, and they chose the giant Giant over the giant wolf. The tough choices there make sense, but what makes less sense is why Ghost hasn’t even been mentioned since his last appearance.

Is he off somewhere, ready to make his heroic entrance one last time before the series finale? Considering that Ghost was introduced in the first episode and has been seen more than any of the other direwolves since, it doesn't seem right that the show could ignore him for the rest of its run. There's no denying that Ghost has survived some great ordeals, but the smart money is on him coming to Jon's aid during the greatest battle that Westeros has ever seen. Whether he'll survive or not is another question entirely.


Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.