Game Of Thrones: 10 Characters The Show Wants You To Forget About

6. Syrio Forel

Game Of Thrones Ghost

You’d be forgiven for forgetting about poor Syrio Forel – Arya’s Braavosi dancing master – considering that even his greatest supporter in the world, Arya Stark, seems to have forgotten about him since his “death” in Season 1. Look no further than Season 7, Episode 4 for proof of this, when Arya was sparring with Brienne and Aria told her that “no one” taught her how to fight. And while “no one” certainly taught her how to fight well, Syrio laid a lot of the groundwork that turned Arya into one of the greatest fighters in Westeros. And he died for it. Maybe.

The reason we’re so sceptical of Syrio’s death is that it suspiciously happened off-screen, and if the Golden Age of television has taught us anything it’s that off-screen deaths should never be trusted. Sure, no one has mentioned Syrio for many years, but considering that he was at one time considered an elite fighter, it would be a great moment in the show if he were to triumphantly return and warm all of our hearts. In fact, it even makes sense to think that he could show up at the last minute and save Arya from certain-death. And then he’d probably be immediately killed for real this time and never talked about again in that classic Syrio way.

So while the odds on Syrio's return may be low considering that he's rarely ever mentioned, we're still holding out hope that he'll return from the dead and deliver justice in his own water dancing way.


Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.