Game Of Thrones: 10 Characters The Show Wants You To Forget About

5. Ser Pounce

Game Of Thrones Ghost

There was a time when Ser Pounce was the internet’s favourite cat, not to mention the fan favourite character in all of Westeros. Tommen’s pet cat was not only a cute survivor of Joffrey’s reign of terror, but he was also a cat that geek message boards around the world were quick to ironically predict would claim the Iron Throne for himself. None of that came to fruition however, as Ser Pounce was never seen again after the fateful night he interrupted Margaery and Tommen in bed.

The question remains, where is Ser Pounce following Tommen’s suicide? Did he slink off to the alleys of Flea Bottom? Is he going to make his way up to Winterfell and join the Starks? Could he perhaps find a new loving owner in Sansa? After all, they both know about the tortures of enduring King Joffrey and having their loved ones die off at an alarming rate.

Regardless of where he ends up, we demand #JusticeForSerPounce, and we’d be happy with one quick shot of a cat emerging from the ashes – or ice – that is sure to descend upon King’s Landing before the series is all said and done. He may just be a silly cat, but you gotta wonder why Game Of Thrones bothered to introduce him and give him an adorable name if he was just going to be thrown out like kitty litter.


Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.