Game Of Thrones: 10 Greatest Warriors In The History Of Westeros

3. Daemon Blackfyre

Daemon Blackfyre
"The first and greatest of the Blackfyre Pretenders."

Once again going back to the First Blackfyre Rebellion, and the leader of that revolt against King Daeron II: Daemon Blackfyre (previously Daemon Waters).

A bastard of Aegon IV, he was legitimised alongside the other Great Bastard's on the King's deathbed, but there was one crucial difference when it came to Daemon: he was handed the Targaryen ancestral Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre, which was wielded by Aegon the Conqueror himself.

Urged on by fellow bastards Aegor Rivers and Quentyn 'Fireball' Bell (who almost made the cut for this list), Daemon eventually revolted against his half-brother Daeron and made a claim for the Iron Throne, forming House Blackfyre and dividing the kingdom in two.

A powerful man, it's said that he mastered all of the weapons of the battlefield. However, it's his skill and strength with a sword that truly elevates him. His power and charisma attracted all the great knights of the realm to his side, and he fought harder and better than any other at the infamous Battle of the Redgrass Field.

He was said to have been unstoppable that day, cutting through a number of notable opponents before entering into single combat with Ser Gwayne Corbray (another who just missed out here), who wielded the Valyrian steel sword Lady Forlorn. That fight is regarded as the greatest of the Rebellion and one of the most fierce of all time, with Blackfyre eventually besting his opponent. However, he paused to have a maester tend to Corbray, at which point he was killed by an archer. It's said, however, the he fought "like the Warrior himself", or in other words, he fought like a God (or at least 1/7 of one).


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.