Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Shocking Moments From Season 5

6. Daenery's Dragons

Game Of Thrones Cersei Atonement Lena Heady

Fans have been waiting for some sweet, sweet dragon action on this show for a while, but with two of them locked up and put in the naughty corner for bad behaviour it seemed like no one would get to witness any fire breathing antics for a little while. That was until the Fighting Pits reopened and all hell broke loose.

Surrounded by the Sons of the Harpy, it looked like the would-be ruler of Westeros had finally met her doom, until Drogon swooped in and decided to burn some masked foes alive. It was an awesome moment that was only added too when Daenerys jumped on her scaly friend and flew off into the sunset. What will happen next? Who knows, but it'd be a safe bet that it involves a lot of Dothraki men on horseback. 


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.