Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Shocking Moments From Season 5

3. Sansa's Rape

Game Of Thrones Cersei Atonement Lena Heady

If there's been a more uncomfortable scene on television this year, then it's more than likely you'll want to avoid it with all your might because watching this was hard enough as it is. Just as Sansa Stark seemed like she was starting to gain a little bit of strength and freedom after a tortured existence with the Lannisters, she gets dropped off with the Boltons. You know, the family who brutally murdered her family in the unforgettable Red Wedding from Season 3.

At first, it just looked like she might just be emotionally bullied by Ramsay Bolton like she was by Joffrey, but Ramsay isn't your typical Game Of Thrones evil character. Nope. He had to push things to an entirely new level by raping Sansa on their wedding night in front of Reek/Theon Greyjoy, the man who sold out her family in the first place. 

Understandably, this particular scene caused outrage among a lot of fans, but this isn't a show that is known for pulling punches, so don't expect the many online column inches to change anything.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.