Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Underrated Heroes
Come give the lesser characters the plaudits they deserve...

Heroes come in all shape and sizes. A statement never more evident than it is in Game of Thrones. From Wun Wun to Tyrion, the vast range of characters is astronomical. With underrated heroes, it broadens even further.
In a world where knights become villains, and bastards are idolised by so many, it's true that most characters could claim a place on this list. Except Ramsay and Joffrey, of course. If anyone believes they are heroic, please seek help. The choice of your favourite character will often depend on where your allegiances lie, and more importantly, which houses you simply cannot stand. For some, the Red Wedding was a crowning glory; others still have nightmares about it.
With a vast collection of epic battles and enemies destroyed throughout the series, it is easy to pick out heroes. Jon Snow at the Battle of the Bastards, Tyrion at Blackwater, and Arya at the Battle of Winterfell. When it comes to underrated, you must delve a little deeper.
It's important to celebrate these characters as they are often forgotten. They don't receive the plaudits they deserve, but do not fear, this article will amend that.
Keep an open mind, and remember, not all heroes wear capes. Although quite a few on this list do…
10. Samwell Tarley

If you are looking for an example to sum up an unsung hero, Samwell Tarley is your man.
He bursts onto our screens in season one as a timid young lad, scared of his own shadow. By the time the show finishes, he is a timid old lad, probably still scared of his own shadow. Despite this, his growth as a man is one of the most fascinating of the series.
Never destined to be a ferocious warrior, Sam's intelligence proved to be his best weapon. Through his love of books, he discovered that Jon was heir to the Iron Throne, and Dragonstone had an abundance of Dragonglass. Who would have thought?
He was also a man of firsts. The first to kill a White Walker and the first to heal a man with Greyscale. The latter being particularly brave as he risked his own life to save Jorah.
He killed the walker out of love for Gilly. It is with his fair maiden that you see the best of Sam. He dedicates his whole life to her and fully embraces the role of devoted step-father. Like all great heroes, he eventually gets the girl at the end too.