Game Of Thrones: 10 Questions We're Asking After 'Hardhome'

7. What's Next For Daenerys And Tyrion?

That scene in the Meereen throne room, and the one in Daenerys' quarters could've lasted an hour and nobody would've been bored. It was fascinating to watch the pair - who have graced the screens since the very beginning - finally meet, and even cooler to see them working together. Tyrion is a genius, but while his street-wise moves have seen him navigate his way to Meereen, it's great to see him back in a royal court, but which direction are they going in? Tyrion hinted that Daenerys should stay in Essos where she is needed most, but there'll surely come a time when a move needs to be made towards the Iron Throne. There's the grand fighting pit finale to contend with soon, which will surely spring some drama, and you'd imagine there'd be another look at the dragons. Maybe the other two could join Drogon in the skies? Their fates are tied, and it will be fantastic to watch the pairing, even if the real moves won't be made until Season 6.

What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.