Game Of Thrones: 10 Reasons It’s The Best TV Show Ever
8. The Magic
As the series progressed, we saw more and more of the magical elements of GOT. The introduction in series two of The Red Woman (Melisandre), a Priestess of The Lord of Light, brought with it lots of dark and frankly terrifying witchcraft. Melisandre is a woman devoted not only to her deity, but also to pyromania apparently; a combination which provides some of the show's most disturbing scenes (think shadow births). In Westeros, magic is widely believed to either have ceased to exist or never have existed, which renders it a very powerful but hugely misunderstood force in the show. The three known groups of magic practitioners are the Warlocks of Qarth, the Red Priests/Priestesses and the Alchemists' Guild, each as weird and wonderful as one another.