Game Of Thrones: 10 Reasons That Character Isn't Really Dead
7. The White Walkers
Let's think about this another way: it makes absolutely no narrative sense whatsoever for Jon to really be dead. Sure, Ned’s death was a shock, but it served a clear narrative purpose, setting a whole lot of events in motion. The same goes for Robb’s death, with the King in the North making a huge mistake and with his time clearly up.
But imagine how much the overall story of Game of Thrones would suffer without Jon. With Hardhome a few weeks ago, the episode ended with the climatic standoff between Jon Snow and the Night’s King. This was clearly an ominous staredown between two characters who will see each other again, like the Harry Potter and Voldemort of this series. So if he’s dead, then what the hell was the point of any of that?
Jon is the only one who fully understands the White Walker threat, and having him see what he saw at Hardhome was clearly massively important for the end game of this story. There are no other major characters at the wall right now, so without Jon, how does that storyline even keep going? Who would viewers be following? Olly? With only two or maybe three seasons left in this series, it simply makes no sense to get rid of Jon if the end game is about the White Walker invasion.