Game Of Thrones: 10 Shocking Revelations From Benioff & Weiss's Q&A

1. They Didn't Care What Fans Thought

Game of Thrones Jon and Dany

In perhaps the most important and yet least surprising thing to emerge from the entire panel, the pair were asked as to whether or not fan reactions or expectations had any bearing on the finished product.

There has been serious speculation since Season 8 that seeing fan theories gain major traction on message boards caused the writers to steer certain stories in other directions. The idea being to surprise the audience, but the end result actually seeing a lot of narrative threads left dangling. Looks like we can put that to bed now...

Were you listening to the feedback to your fans as things went along? Dan: “We really did not.” Dan doesn’t see the value of considering other people’s reactions. Dave acknowledged that he googled the show and it upset him. Dan, no. @dndgoogling

Now whether or not this is actually true is open to debate, but if it's the line the pair are sticking with then there's not a lot we can really say. However given their opening admission that they scoured message boards to help with casting, there's more than a good chance they kept an eye on the fan reactions.

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