Game Of Thrones: 10 Shocking Revelations From Benioff & Weiss's Q&A

2. They Thought They'd "Conned" HBO

Game of Thrones Jaime Lannister
HBO/Helen Sloan

Absolutely fair enough this one. With their lack of experience, limited idea of what made a good TV show, no idea how they'd attained the author's blessing, and frankly dreadful pilot, both Weiss and Benioff genuinely believed they had "conned" HBO into green-lighting the show.

"Q re: how do you pitch a show this big and they said it was basically a con job to HBO and how big it would get bc they bet on the HBO execs not reading 5000 pages of ASOIAF. The pitch was impossible to pitch the whole story."

While this might cause a few gasps from those reading, if you really, really, really, really want to make a show about zombies and dragons on a network that normally doesn't go for that sort of thing, you are well within your rights to just tell them it will be massive and hope for the best. Bonus points for them being proved right in the end.

For all people have labeled the pair "chancers" in 2019, if they hadn't have pulled this stunt back in the day, we'd never have had the show to begin with.

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