Game Of Thrones: 10 Theories On Who Will Kill Cersei Lannister

10. Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion is the most obvious choice, not least because he is the one Cersei believes the prophecy to mean. He is the youngest of the Lannister children, so is certainly her little brother, and this is a part of the reason why she hates him so much. The Imp would undoubtedly have motive, given how much he and Cersei loathe each other, such as with his rather epic words about how "the joy will turn to ashes in your mouth..." and, as he murdered his father, he obviously doesn't have any problems when it comes to kinslaying. George R.R. Martin, however, loves to subvert expectations. Much like Jon Snow's mother almost definitely isn't the person we're told it is (Wylla), is the valonqar really going to be the person Cersei thinks it is?

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.