Game Of Thrones: 10 Things That Must Happen Before The End

9. Gendry Will Finally Become Useful

Game Of Thrones Arya Kill List

The last we saw of Gendry – the last surviving b**tard of King Robert - Ser Davos plopped him into a rowboat and sent him on his way so Melisandre couldn’t sacrifice him. That was way back in season three, and it’s possible the lad is still out there rowing.

Up to this point, poor Gendry hasn’t had much say over his own destiny, but that needs to change in season seven. It’s extremely unlikely he’ll make a claim for the Iron Throne, but he does have one important skill that’s going to be needed soon. It's likely his blacksmith talents extend to being able to forge Valyrian steel, one of the few things that can destroy a White Walker, which would make him invaluable in the coming war.

There’s also a theory he might rebuild Ned Stark’s sword Ice, which was split in two by Tywin Lannister in season four. If the show is going to bring Gendry back, he'd better do something worthwhile.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.