Game Of Thrones: 10 Worst Changes From The Books

8. Jon Snow Isn't Aegon Targaryen

Euron game of thrones

The big reveal during season seven confirmed that Jon Snow was in fact the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and his true name was Aegon. Wrong again, show! As it stands, Jon is still dead at the Wall after being betrayed by the Night's Watch. Everything indicates that Jon is likely the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, but he is most definitely not called Aegon.

This is the name of another character the show sadly cut-out, and simply folded into the Jon character. In the books it's revealed that Lord Varys was able to save Rhaegar's baby - who was supposably killed by the Mountain - and hide him in Essos under the alias 'Young Griff'.

With the help of a character named Jon Connington - the exiled former Hand of the King - Young Griff manages to rally the Golden Company to his cause. They invade lower Westeros and plan to form an alliance with the Dornish against the Lannisters.

This means that Dany will have to contend not only with Jon as a rightful king of Westeros, but her other nephew, Young Griff, aka Aegon Targaryen. As the legitimate son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell of Dorne, this character has the best claim to the Iron Throne.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.