Game Of Thrones: 12 Best Moments From Season 5

9. Travelling Companions

One of the things Game of Thrones really excels at is pairing together characters and allowing a relationship to develop between them over a series of conversations as the journey together. Think Arya and The Hound, Jaime and Brienne, or as mentioned previously Tyrion and Bronn. Investing time in a character pairing generally pays off on the show. This season has given us further examples of using these travelling companions to great effect, such as Jaime and Bronn, and the continued adventures of Brienne and Pod. The best, though, is Tyrion and Varys (although admittedly you could put Tyrion with a Stone Man for a companion and the dialogue would still be fantastic). It was the Spider who helped the Imp escape at the end of Season 4, and their journey together continues through the first few episodes of this one, as we learn Varys€™ plan to introduce Tyrion to Daenerys Targaryen. It isn€™t the first time the two characters have had some great scenes together, but extending that over a number of episodes really gets to develop the relationship further, and they play off each other superbly. The two discuss Westeros and their plans and hopes for it, as Varys believes that together Tyrion and Daenerys can restore order to the realm and offer the best chance for a brighter future. These are two big players of the game, and playing together makes them both even better at it. Most importantly, though, it gave us some of the best lines from the first half of Season 5: Varys: "Where are you going?" Tyrion: "I need to speak to someone with hair." Tyrion: "Do you know what it's like to stuff your s**t through one of those air holes?" Varys: "No. I only know what it's like to pick up your s**t and throw it overboard." Varys' reappearance at the end of Season 5 means that we'll be getting even more of these two together, in a position with some degree of power over Meereen, and that can only be a good thing for next year.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.