Game Of Thrones: 12 Best Moments From Season 5

6. Sansa And Theon Escape

Sansa€™s existence for the past few years has been completely miserable. Her father was killed, she was betrothed to a monster, her mother and eldest brother were murdered, she believed that her two younger brothers had been killed as well, she was forced to marry Tyrion (while still being mentally tortured by Joffrey), and when she finally escaped she was stuck with Littlefinger. Somehow the show managed to make things even worse for her in Season 5, as they married her to Ramsay Bolton, the one character more psychotic than Joffrey. He proceeded to inflict more mental anguish on her, as well as the now infamous rape scene. As Brienne was stuck outside Winterfell, and Stannis€™ march towards it was halted, her best hope lay with Theon Greyjoy, who believed himself to be Reek and was barely a shell of his former self. Things didn€™t look good for her survival. Somehow, she made enough of a chink in the Reek armour to allow Theon to return, which he finally did in the season finale. As Myranda threatened Sansa, he pushed her to her death. Then, with Ramsay on his way back to the castle, he leads Sansa to the walls of Winterfell and together they jump to freedom, with a nice patch of snow untouched by Melisandre€™s blood magic to break their fall. It€™s unclear what comes next for them, and they may have a few broken bones, but that€™s a small price to pay if it means escaping Ramsay, and it was great to see Sansa and Theon end with at least a glimmer of hope for the future.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.