Game Of Thrones: 12 Most Satisfying Deaths

10. The Mountain

game of thrones Littlefinger

Gregor Clegane, aka the Mountain that Rides, served as Cersei's right hand man for years. He used his sheer brute strength to crush (sometimes literally) all opposition to the Queen. He bragged to Oberyn about raping and murdering his sister, niece, and nephew, just before killing Oberyn himself. The man has no redeeming qualities.

The only reason his death ranks so low is it came with the death of a fan favourite character, Gregor's younger brother, Sandor. Sandor, better known as The Hound, was burned by Gregor as a child, and spent the rest of his life seeking revenge.

In Season 8's The Bells, the two finally dual in what fans call "Cleganebowl." Their fight ends with Sandor jumping into the fires below, taking Gregor down with him.

While it's sad to see the Hound go, the Mountain absolutely deserved his fate.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.