Game Of Thrones: 13 Crazy Fan Theories That Could Actually Be True

3. The Three-Headed Dragon

Game of Thrones Jon Tyrion Daenerys Three Heads Of The Dragon

"The dragon has three heads."

So says Rhaegar Targaryen during Daenerys' vision in The House of the Undying, and it's been taken to mean that there will be three dragon riders. After all, the Targ sigil is a three-headed dragon, and Dany just so happens to have three of the creatures. She can't ride them all herself.

So, who else will get to ride these dragons with her? The two most commonly held answers are Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister.

As mentioned in the evidence for Tyrion being a Targaryen, there are plenty of parallels between the trio, not least that they're the three main characters of the entire series. There's the connection with the dead mothers, and killing another person they loved, as well as all being of noble lineage while at the some time being outcasts (a Stark bastard, a Lannister dwarf, a Targaryen exile).

Jon, definitely being half-Targ, seems a certainty if the three heads theory comes to pass. Not only is he related to Daenerys, but the visions in the House of the Undying could be taken as pointing to him; Rhaegar, his father, appears, there's a woman who may well be Lyanna, and a reference to blue winter roses.

If Tyrion is a Targ, then it lends further credit to the theory, but even if not there's precedent for non-Targs to ride dragons, known as 'Dragonseeds'. He has a clear love for dragons, is serving as Dany's hand (in the show, and may well get there in the books), and he and Jon riding by her side would nicely mirror Aegon the Conqueror, who had his two sisters flying with him.

The other contenders are Aegon - whether or not he's a fake, he has some Valyrian lineage, and may present himself to Daenerys in an eventual bid for unity - and Bran Stark, with many taking the words "you will fly" to mean he'll ride a dragon, if not literally on its back, then through warging, but Jon and Tyrion seem more likely Dragonriders right now.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.