Game Of Thrones: 13 Crazy Fan Theories That Could Actually Be True

2. Daenerys Is The Villain

Game of Thrones Jon Tyrion Daenerys Three Heads Of The Dragon

Of course, if the dragonriders theory doesn't work out, then there may be one very big reason for that: Daenerys isn't the hero, but the villain.

While she's mostly been positioned as 'good' thus far in the story, and her and Jon appear destined to meet and help save the world together (either as an incestuous couple or just aunt and nephew), there have been signs that she is following in the footsteps of her father and going rather mad.

For every slave she's freed, she conquered someone else. For every life she's spared, someone else has died. She's shown to have given in to rage at times, delivered huge speeches that promote violence, and in the words of her family is prepared to take what is hers with "fire and blood." Sure, most of the time she's been a character the audience sympathises with and roots for, who tries to make the right decisions, but some have been ill-advised, and she doesn't appear to have too many qualms about killing. Furthermore, all of this is driven by a desire to claim the Iron Throne, not by some logic of thinking she can save Westeros, but because she believes it her birthright, a lineage started by Aegon the Conqueror and following on from a Targaryen dynasty that most would argue deserved to fall in the first place.

George R.R. Martin has enjoyed subverting expectations throughout A Song of Ice and Fire, and Dany being the villain would be one of the biggest subversions of the lot. Whether or not she's truly going mad, or if she's 'good' or 'evil', there's undoubtedly a destructive side to her nature, one she has so far tried to balance with her desire to help innocent people. Bringing that to Westeros may not necessarily be what the people want, and she could certainly be construed as the villain, and need to be defeated.

It could of course go further, with her outrightly descending into madness, and the battle between ice and fire coming down to Jon and Daenerys.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.