Game Of Thrones: 13 Crazy Fan Theories That Could Actually Be True

7. A+J=T

Game of Thrones Jon Tyrion Daenerys Three Heads Of The Dragon

If you know your Game of Thrones theories, then secret Targs are everywhere. Jon's one. Varys is one. Daario too (although he's also Benjen).

But one of the most well-thought out of these, outside of R+L=J, is the notion that A+J=T, or in other words Tyrion Lannister is actually the son of the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen and Joanna Lannister. While it seems outlandish at first, there are a few supporting elements.

According to Barristan Selmy (not a character likely to lie) the Mad King was infatuated with Joanna, and took liberties during the bedding ceremony after her and Tywin's marriage. Furthermore, it's made clear how much Tywin despises Tyrion, and numerous times he says that he isn't his son, he just can't prove it.

That's the background, but what about Tyrion himself? There's his appearance, which in the books contains reference to his pale blonde hair, much more in line with Targs than Lannisters, and mismatched eyes, which is a sign of mixed blood. He has a bookish nature that's similar to Rhaegar's, and a fascination with dragons since he was a child. He's since been shown in the TV series to have something of an affinity with the creatures - well, he spoke to them, unchained them, and didn't get burnt to a crisp - and is now aligned with Daenerys.

Furthermore, Jon and Dany are now the two known Targs in the world. They've both had to kill someone they love, and their mothers died giving birth to them. Who else do both of those things apply to? Yep, the Imp.

It unites the three main characters, and means the trio will likely all join forces at some stage. The only downside to this one is how much it would diminish the relationship between Tywin and Tyrion, a key part of both characters' storylines and personalities.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.