Game Of Thrones: 14 Crazy Bits Of Foreshadowing Hidden Throughout The Series

9. Tyrion Talks About The Killing Of Fathers (Before He Kills His Father)

GoT Foreshadowing

Later in that same episode, Tyrion and Jaime are having a conversation before the trial by combat. Tyrion's on trial for regicide, the killing of a king. He notes that Joffrey is also his nephew, but there isn’t a word for the killing of a nephew. There’s a word for all other types of killings, though.

“Fratricide is brothers," Tyrion says. "Filicide is sons...matricide, patricide…”

Tyrion’s on trial for regicide, which we know he didn’t do. But flashforward a few episodes, and what did Tyrion actually do? He killed Tywin, a.k.a. patricide, just like he mentions there.

Whoever wrote this episode was really into the foreshadowing, because Tywin's death is heavily hinted at twice within a few minutes. 


Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.