Game Of Thrones: 14 Crazy Bits Of Foreshadowing Hidden Throughout The Series

8. Bran’s Warging Abilities Are Heavily Foreshadowed

GoT Foreshadowing

We find out later on in the series that Bran is a Warg, the term for people who can enter the minds of animals and control them. In particular, we see Bran doing this with direwolves, but he even does it with Hodor at one point in the Season 4 finale.

But in Season 1, we got plenty of hints at this through Bran’s visions of running around as a wolf, though at the time it seemed like these were just dreams. There’s also the scene at the very end of the second episode of the series, The Kingsroad.

Ned has been forced to kill Sansa’s direwolf, Lady, and the episode ends with the wolf’s death. We cut straight from the wolf dying to Bran waking up, which we can now see as subtle way of implying a connection between Bran and the direwolves.  


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