3. Drogo's Downfall Was A Scene Demanded By Jason Momoa

If there's something which I've made clear throughout this article, it's that you can learn a ton of information from the series DVD commentary, and my favourite revelation of the season one trivia is that originally you didn't get to see Khal Drogo sustain the wound which eventually laid him low. What was supposed to happen was that you'd see his Khalasar pillaging the Lhazareen, and then he'd rock up with his wound. Momoa wasn't happy with this, as it meant you'd never see why his highly-touted badass character would never get a chance to prove himself before coming a cropper to a lack of antiseptic. He kicked up a fuss with 'The Pointy End' director Daniel Minahan to let him have his moment in the ass-whupping sun, and surprisingly, Minihan gave it to him, letting him spout Dothraki lyrical duelling his challenger Mago without a sword, and then tearing his throat out. In the midst of this, he got his wound, achieving the hat-trick of showing how awesome Drogo is, explaining where the wound came from and adding an extra tragic dimension insofar as it was all so easily avoidable if he'd just picked up his weapon and cut him in half the normal way. The awkward part of the situation is that Mago is a character who still exists in the books as the Khal who took Drogo's Khalasar and is eventually encountered again by Daenerys in the closing chapters of A Dance With Dragons.