2. There's Only One Boat In Westeros And Essos
Just because you're making one of the most expensive series' ever committed to the small screen, it exempt you from cutting costs later down the line and nowhere is this more apparent than in Thrones' nautical adventures. Simply put, you might notice that all the boats the characters use are remarkably similar, and there's a reason for that. Unusually for such a major series, Game Of Thrones only has one prop boat (apparently they're extremely expensive) so it's only via some ingenuity and clever set-dressing that the prop-masters are able to make it pass for many. So when you see Daenerys riding a boat in season three's opening episode, you'll see that it's incredibly similar to Stannis Baratheon's flagship the Fury and Davos Seaworth's Black Bertha. Yet despite Black Bertha being blown up during Blackwater (more on that in a second), they still raise it and use it as the boat Dany purchased from Qarth come season close. That boat's seen plenty of life it's been dragged from the bottom of Blackwater to Slaver's Bay, and was even responsible for Emilia Clarke's one and only shoot in Northern Ireland. It cost too much money to ship the boat (ironic, that) to Morocco, so Clarke along with her portion of the cast had to relocate to the UK for a day just to get that one scene in the bag.