Game Of Thrones: 20 Mind-Blowing Details You Might've Missed

17. Ros Got More Lines Because She Rocked In One (Made-Up) Scene

Game Of Thrones Ros Hardcore Game Of Thrones fans will know that there are some scenes on the TV show which didn't feature in the book. To some, this is an aberration to pelt George R. R. Martin with fruit over. Yet the vast majority find these scenes €“ some necessary for expositions sake, others used to flesh out characters €“ very effective. For example, The Starks' introductory scene with Bran's archery was made up on the fly as a way of humanising the show's premier family, who without this sequence appeared to cold and distant. After all, if your first shot of Sean Bean involves him beheading a bloke, you might not understand that he is first of all a loving husband and father. Similarly, Robert and Cersei's 'we-totally-hate-each-other-but-are resigned-to-it' scene was added in later on, providing both characters with an extra level of characterisation which makes them somewhat more sympathetic (something that's hard to do for both of them). Yet the MVP in added scenes is Tyrion's introduction, if only for what it accomplished. First of all, the whole sequence €“ a naked Ros performs oral sex on Tyrion, a bit of sexposition commences and then Jaime interrupts, burying his brother under a mountain of whores €“ cemented the Half-Man's status as the most loved character on the show. But the bigger winner here was Ros's Esmé Bianco, who was apparently given more scenes just over how strong her performance was here. Bianco rode this (sometimes literally, in a sexposition) opportunity as far as she could, taking up the role of audience cipher (characters tend to explain the world to her) for two-and-three-quarters seasons, until her untimely end. Bonus easter egg €“ of the naked prostitutes that jumps on Tyrion , one is also a handmaiden to the Queen. Benioff has addressed this as a continuity error, but I prefer the theory that there's some extravagant moonlighting going on in the Royal household.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.