15. Sean Bean's Tougher Than Eddard Stark In Real Life

This is probably the most tenuous detail apparent in this article, but seeing as it involves one-man death machine Sean Bean, I'm willing to make an exception. The man's made of pure Northern awesome, and despite living up to his leaving-the-show-in-a-coffin trope, he nonetheless makes his presence felt as family patriarch and reluctant Hand Eddard Stark. The fun details surrounding Sean Bean on Game Of Thrones are mainly to do with his birth and his amazing life, if you're not counting the fact he apparently kept trying to steal Lena Headey's sandwiches on set. Despite this very bizarre brand of method acting she's paid to hate your character anyway Sean, some misappropriated bread isn't going to make a difference the cooler fact is that the first episode premiered on Sean Bean's birthday, April 17th. I know, it's not the most mind-blowing detail in the show, but hell, it's still got to count for something. And if you weren't convinced of Bean's awesome-ness yet, behold this story of manliness from in a North London bar shortly after filming finished, when he actively relived an Eddard Stark scene in real life. Apparently, during the merriment somebody accosted Bean's date, who happened to be a model (high five!) 30 years his junior (high five!). In scenes reminiscent of the Jaime Lannister fight outside a brothel, he defended his lady's honour (high five!) and despite being stabbed, appeared to have won the day (high five!). Sadly, this is where the similarities with the books end Bean was stabbed in the arm, not the leg like Eddard, and unlike the Stark paterfamilias who was taken to a healer Bean decided to go back inside the establishment and order another drink (high five!). This apparently provides clear proof that Sean Bean is in fact more durable than a hardened quasi-medieval warrior known for being a badass in his own right. Rumours now abound that he probably could've shaken off the Stark beheading like it wasn't even a thing.