Game Of Thrones: 4 Ups And 6 Downs From The Season Finale

3. Sansa And Theon Escape - Up

When Sansa picked up a corkscrew a few episodes ago, it was assumed that it was going to come into play in any bid for freedom she made. That was the case here, although in a rather different manner than anticipated. Instead of being a weapon to use on Ramsay, she uses it simply to unlock her door and escape from her chamber, and light the signal in the highest tower (although the person watching, Brienne, is too distracted with Stannis€™ arrival to notice). Caught by Myranda, she pleads for her death, something Ramsay€™s lover isn€™t going to give, although she is prepared to hurt her. That€™s when it finally happens, and Reek stops being weak and starts being Theon Greyjoy again. He pushes Myranda to her death, before taking Sansa and leading her over the wall of Winterfell. They€™ll surely survive the fall, although may be injured, but will have to get a move on before Ramsay notices his favourite playthings are missing. Things have been extremely bleak for Reek ever seen he was turned into the character by Ramsay, while Sansa€™s life over the past few years has been nothing but a never-ending cycle of misery. However long their freedom lasts, it€™s great for both of them - in particular the Stark girl - to have this moment of hope.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.