Game Of Thrones: 5 Character Endings That Will Not Be The Same As The Books

1. Cersei Lannister

Game of Thrones Cersei Jaime

One of the greatest things about Game of Thrones, and indeed the books before it, is the characters. Almost every single character is deep, complex and neither purely good nor evil. Out of all the characters, Cersei Lannister is one of the closest to evil on the spectrum, but even her love for her children and her family redeems her slightly. Over the years Lena Heady has portrayed both of these aspects of the former Queen of Westeros, making her one of the greatest characters in the entire story.

While her death in the show was inevitable and had been coming for some time before she was unceremoniously offed under a literal ton of bricks, it was far from the send-off such a character deserves. In the books her death is no less inevitable, yet George R. R. Martin will treat the character with some respect, and there is no way she will be crushed under a pile of rubble.

Throughout A Feast for Crows, the reader learns about Maggy the Frog’s prophecy that Cersei will be strangled to death by the valonqar, or little brother in High Valyrian. Naturally Cersei expects this to be Tyrion, though since she came into the world slightly sooner than her twin, it is entirely possible that it could be Jaime that chokes the life from his sweet sister.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.