Game Of Thrones: 5 Characters That Should (But Probably Won't) Be In Season 4

2. Donal Noye

donalnoye Another character from the Wall is Donal Noye, a former smith in the employ of House Baratheon that lost an arm in the Greyjoy Rebellion, joining the Night€™s Watch in its aftermath. Early on in A Game Of Thrones, the first book, he lectures Jon Snow and becomes something of a friend to the supposed offspring of Ned Stark, though in the first season of the television series his role was merged into that of Tyrion Lannister, who instead befriends Jon and gives him advice during his visit to the Wall. Noye, however, plays a huge part in the battle between the men of the Watch and the Wildlings, taking effective control alongside Jon (who he forms a strong partnership with) during the easily foreseeable future battle between the two. For this alone, he should be included in the upcoming fourth season (Mark Gatiss could play him well, in my opinion at least), giving the Watch a clear authority figure in the absence of Jeor Mormont. If not for this, then Noye should be included for a scene in which he duels a giant, matching it in combat despite his disability and smallness in comparison to his adversary. Computer-generated imagery may make such a scene expensive and difficult, but it would certainly make the battle a highly memorable spectacle.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.