Game Of Thrones: 5 Characters You Wouldn't Want To Meet In Real Life

4. Walder Frey


Imagine your cringeworthily outspoken Grandfather. Then imagine a man who's about a hundred times worse.

Indeed, the aforementioned Walder Frey is one to elude. At ninety years old, the Lord Of The Crossing still has a fierce libido, with 22 true-born sons and seven true-born daughters €“ as well as god knows how many bastards €“ to show for it. Though mostly confined to a chair, he rules pragmatically with a silver, crude tongue. The events of the Red Wedding should be enough to give you a healthy abhorrence for this man, but heinous crimes aside, everything about Walder Frey cries revolting.

Currently on wife number eight, this guy trumps even King Henry VIII. Take a shameless man, and mix in the power bestowed on a Lord, and this is what you get. You would have to be very mindful of your tongue, as even the slightest sally could result in your demise. He is as prickly as he is old, and I daresay that after a meeting with Lord Frey, a trip to the Dreadfort for a flaying may be apt! How else to remove the filthy, sick-to-the-bone feeling that this man will inject? On top of that, you may have the pleasure of also being amidst his 100+ descendants. That€™s a lot of Frey to chew.

Although, let€™s give the man some€ respect. It is jested that Walder Frey is the only man in the Seven Kingdoms who could field an army out of his breeches. That€™s kind of badass.



When he's not out in Newcastle wasting his money on dubious vodka, Jack enjoys taking procrastination to new levels via the wonders of video gaming, TV, books, and shiny things on the Internet. In other words, he's a student.