Game Of Thrones: 5 Characters You Wouldn't Want To Meet In Real Life

3. Cersei Lannister

The Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms is a scheming, scornful, bitter Lady of Lannister. Her beauty is the perfect mask for her Queenly indulgences, as she seems to take thrill from undermining those for whom she has a distaste. Despite having displayed a relative degree of cunning in various situations, she is in fact remarkably short-sighted, and does not consider the consequences of her rash actions.

Cersei is like a swan; beautiful, elegant, regal and alluring, but provoke her ever so slightly and she will strike at you with deadly force. Her daddy is the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms, her son is the King, her brother and paramour is the deadliest swordsman around. You don€™t stand a chance.

It seems clear that Cersei feels as if she has been wronged many times in her life. Namely, her mistreatment as wife to the late King Robert Baratheon. Deriving from this is an insecurity; she has a deep to desire to have been born a man, that she could have true power and control over her subjects which she believes only a man can have. This makes her all the more dangerous. She is a fragile thing, and if you are judged by her to be inadequate, her cracks will show and you will rue the day you danced with this ice-queen.


At least she loves her children €“ it€™s her one redeeming quality. That and her cheekbones. (God bless you Tyrion.)


When he's not out in Newcastle wasting his money on dubious vodka, Jack enjoys taking procrastination to new levels via the wonders of video gaming, TV, books, and shiny things on the Internet. In other words, he's a student.