Game Of Thrones: 5 Plot Contrivances In A Song of Ice And Fire That Were Passed Off As Realism

1. Dragons

dragons SPOILER ALERT I guess this isn€™t a plot contrivance as much as the plot itself, but I€™ll still put it in. Throughout the first book, we hear a lot about the deposed Targaryens and the dragons they rode into battle, once upon a time. But the dragons are all dead. It sets a nice mythic tone to the gritty, real-world political struggles of the story, a hint of a time long gone that only makes the present (so to speak) more depressing. Oh wait, nevermind. There really were dragons. And there still are dragons, as we find at the end of the book. Daenerys Targaryen (Dany), the last of the clan, received petrified €œdragon eggs€ as a gift, and they eventually hatch. As the books go on, the dragons grow into a bunch of brats who tend to burn down everything around them. They make Dany€™s task of travelling through hostile wastes and taking over well-defended cities laughably easy. Which is a shame, since Dany is pretty irritating, and one character I€™d be ok with seeing conveniently wiped out. I wouldn€™t go so far as to say that Dany is the Jar Jar Binks of Westeros, but I wouldn€™t mind a version of the book series with her edited out. The fact that Martin gave her two dragons to follow her around and solve her problems for her makes it worse.

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