Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From Oathkeeper

5. Joffrey's Murderer Confirmed

Since Joffrey's death, one of the mysteries driving the plot forward this season has been the identity of his killer. Well, it didn't take as long as some expected, but that question was answered by Littlefinger in this episode. On their way to the Eyrie, Littlefinger reveals to Sansa that it was the combined efforts of himself and Lady Olenna Tyrell that killed the king. At his behest, Ser Dontos supplied Sansa with the fake necklace that contained the poison, which Olenna then removed at some point and placed in Joffrey's wine glass. This scene not only reveals the depths to which Littlefinger will risk his safety to achieve his goal of attaining "everything," but also how much of a player Lady Olenna is in the game of thrones. Not wanting to risk wedding her granddaughter to a monster who could harm her in the future, she took the matter into her own hands. Surely many viewers suspected Littlefinger or Olenna of killing Joffrey, but the two of them together? Now that is a partnership that didn't seem possible beforehand. In hindsight, however, it makes perfect sense, as both get what they want out of the situation. Olenna gets to feel more secure knowing that Margaery will marry the kinder Tommen instead, and Littlefinger gets to sow more seeds of chaos. It's just another example of his ability to press his advantage from the shadows where no one will see him coming. Maybe Littlefinger is more deeply involved than we even know...

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.