Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From Oathkeeper

4. Dany Conquers Meereen

The episode opens with Daenerys€™s continued efforts to liberate Meereen. She has Grey Worm and his Unsullied sneak into the city disguised as slaves. The slaves are unsure of Dany and whether siding with her is a wise move, but Grey Worm shows up and gives them weapons. This inspires them enough to press the advantage and take the majority of the slavers out one by one in the claustrophobic streets. The next day Dany is greeted with cheers as she claims Meereen for herself. The way in which Meereen is taken here is different from the books, but just as effective. Grey Worm's presence is given a significant boost, and he plays in integral role in inspiring the slaves to fight back against the slavers. Even more interesting is after the city is taken and Daenerys has to decide what to do with the former masters, choosing to crucify them just as they did to the children on the road. Ser Barristan questions whether this is a just punishment, and in her eyes it absolutely is. Is she right in doling out this form of punishment? With the way Dany's arc is being presented, it almost looks like her messiah complex is getting to her head. Things have been going a little too smoothly for her, which of course means that the situation should bite back at any moment.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.