Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From The Laws Of Gods And Men

5. Drogon Steals A Goat

As we drop into Daenerys's story this week, we finally get to see a dragon after what seems like forever. A goatherd and his son are tending the herd when suddenly Drogon, Dany's biggest dragon, rises in front of them as the boy wets his pants in fear. He lights the entire area ablaze and flies off with one of the goats, leaving the goatherd's means of supporting himself in ruin. While it is always a treat to see the dragons on Game of Thrones, the real meat of this scene is how it visually represents the building tension of Daenerys' story. The ever rising uncontrollable nature of her dragons is a manifestation of the lack of control she actually has over Slaver's Bay, and it's starting to get the better of her. Remember, both slave cities she freed are now revolting against her. Now she has made the rash decision of crucifying the masters without getting a sense of who is who, and she sees the effects of the decision in Hizdahr zo Loraq. By blindly crucifying the masters, she also punished those in power who fought against such crimes. He pleads for her to allow them to be taken down so that they can have proper burials. You can see on Dany's face that she realises what she has done, but of course cannot admit it. It's starting to dawn on her that conquering cities is much easier than ruling them. It's only going to get more difficult, especially as her dragons continue to grow.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.