Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From The Laws Of Gods And Men

6. Ramsay Rewards Reek

When Yara infiltrates the Dreadfort in an attempt to rescue Theon, he refuses to go with her out of fear of punishment from his captor Ramsay Snow. As a reward, Ramsay allows Theon (sorry, Reek) out of his cage for a bath. Of course, Reek has good reason to be suspicious given Ramsay€™s past trickeries, but it turns out to be genuine. Ramsay is gentle, asking Reek if he loves him (creepy). He then reveals his true motive for rewarding Reek: he is to play the role of Theon Greyjoy again in order to retake Moat Cailin from the Ironborn. Despite being preceded by what turns out to be a completely pointless subplot evolving Yara, what followed is a great scene between Ramsay and Reek. Both actors do a great job reinforcing the dynamics of this relationship, especially Alfie Allen, who portrays Theon as completely beaten and submissive. It is a genuinely disturbing relationship because Ramsay has conditioned Theon much the way he has his hounds, hence his living in the kennels. He is loyal through submission via physical and mental punishment. He doesn€™t want any more pain, and will do anything to make sure Ramsay doesn€™t hurt him again. But after being Reek for a significant period of time, he will now have to become Theon again. This can only lead to some identity issues down the road, so it should be interesting to see how it plays out in future episodes.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.