Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From The Laws Of Gods And Men

3. Tywin And Jaime Make A Deal

During the break in the middle of Tyrion's trial, Jaime talks with his father Tywin about the future of his brother. To Jaime, it is obvious that the whole trial is a joke and that Cersei is pulling the strings, but Tywin isn't hearing it. Jaime wisely points out that if Tyrion is executed, there will be no one left to carry on the Lannister family name. He knows the Lannister legacy matters more to his father than anything else, so Jaime uses his position as a bartering tool. If Tywin agrees not to execute Tyrion and instead send him to the Wall, Jaime will relinquish his position in the Kingsguard and be Lord of Casterly Rock. Tywin immediately agrees, much to Jaime's surprise. There is more going on under the surface of this scene, which is what makes it so notable. Tywin doesn't hesitate to even consider Jaime's offer. It's almost as if he was hoping Jaime was make this offer out of desperation; like the whole situation was planed out. Notice how Tywin has explicit and direct orders for how the whole situation will play out should they both keep to their word. Tywin is a smart man, so it wouldn't be surprising if this were indeed the case. It also offers hope to us, the audience, that Tyrion will make it through this ordeal. And come on, how awesome would it be if Tyrion joined the Night's Watch? His scenes there in the first season were great. However, this plan doesn't hold for very long once Tyrion sees who they bring to testify against him next...

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.