Game Of Thrones: 7 Best Moments From The Laws Of Gods And Men

1. Tyrion's Confession

After Shae's damning testimony, Tyrion denies the deal Jaime mentioned and tells the judges he wishes to confess. He tells the court the truth: that he is not guilty of murdering Joffrey, but actually for being a dwarf. He then lets loose on the entire court, telling them that he wishes he let Stannis kill them all, and that despite not doing it, he felt relief watching Joffrey die. Enraged, Tywin calls for Tyrion to be removed, but not before Tyrion declares his refusal to give his life for Joffrey's death. Since it is clear the odds are against him in the courtroom, he calls for a trial by combat. It should be obvious why this was the single best moment of this episode. We are so used to seeing Tyrion hide his frustrations under a veil of humour, but it appropriately reaches a boiling point during the trial. This whole trial is a show for the masses which have already condemned simply because of their prejudiced stances towards dwarfs. With this in mind, it is incredibly cathartic, both for Tyrion and us, to finally see him spit the truth in their faces, even if the circumstances are tragic. It is everything we've wanted Tyrion to say but know he never could, and it is delivered through a powerhouse performance from Peter Dinklage. He takes what could have easily devolved into over the top silliness under a lesser talent and absolutely kills it. This whole moment is riveting from beginning to end, no doubt inducing chills in those who've waited to see this scene adapted to the screen. Seeing the look on Tywin's face as his son defies him was worth it, perhaps even for Tyrion. It's not just the best moment of the episode, but one of the best of the entire series. Have a favourite moment of this episode? Let us know in the comments.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.